Book Review: TRISOMY XXI by G.A. Minton

Commenting on the latest and best selling movies at the box office, as well as the hottest issues movie that current trends, with a good quality power and capable of high paint film lovers satisfaction for yourself. So the movie lovers everywhere are able to get an overview before watching the film itself. And here we provide different things from previous reviews. And we make sure you as the movie lovers will be satisfied with it. High-definition video video higher resolution and quality from standard definition. Although there is no standard meaning for high-definition video images, generally with far more than 480 horizontal lines (North America) or 576 horizontal lines (Europe) are considered high definition. 480 scan lines are generally a minimum although most system greatly exceeded the limit. Standard resolution image captured at a rate much faster than usual (60 frames/second North America, 50 fps Europe), by high speed camera can be considered high-definition in some contexts. Several television series shot in high-definition video that is made to look as if they've been shot on film, a technique that is often known as the filmizing. HDTV broadcast systems associated with three main parameters: Frame size in pixels is defined as the number of pixels horizontal × vertical pixels, for example number of 1280 × 720 or 1920 × 1080. Often times the number of pixels horizontally are implied from context and omitted, as in the case of 720 p and 1080 p. Scanning system is identified with the letter p for progressive scanning or i for interlaced scan. Frame rate is identified as the number of video frames per second. For interlaced systems, the number of frames per second must be specified, but it is not uncommon to see a level playing field which is used instead. Naming of commercial products, frame rate often falls and implied from context (e.g., a television set 1080i). Frame rate can also be specified without a resolution. For example 24 p means 24 progressive scan frames per second, and 50i means 25 interlaced frames per second. There is no standard for HDTV color support. The color is usually broadcast using YUV (10-bit per channel) However, depending on the underlying technology produces an image of the recipient, it is then converted to RGB color spaces that use standard algorithms. When sent directly through the Internet, the colors usually pre-convert to 8-bit RGB channels for additional storage savings with the assumption that it's only viewable only on a computer screen (sRGB). As an added benefit to the original broadcaster, pre-conversion losses are basically making these files is not suitable for professional TV Broadcasting again.

Book Review: TRISOMY XXI by G.A. Minton 


Sixteen-year-old Joshua Allen was born with an extra chromosome-a genetic aberration known as Trisomy XXI, or Down Syndrome. A serious accident leaves the mentally-challenged adolescent in a coma at the hospital, where he receives a mysterious injection that endows him with supernatural powers.

The transformed teen is linked to a string of bizarre, unexplained deaths in town that have both the sheriff and the coroner baffled. A ghastly creature from another planet lands on Earth and begins its hunt for the teenager-viciously slaughtering anyone in its path in order to complete its deadly mission.

The salvation of an entire race of aliens is in the balance, as Joshua and his friends are thrown into a horrific life-and-death struggle with the seemingly indestructible extraterrestrial being.

Never judge a book its cover is the phrase that people use alot, and in this case it is definitely the truth. Whilst the awesome looking alien on the cover is featured in the book you have a hard slog to get to meet this creature. Following Joshua a boy with down syndrome who is constantly bullied, ends up in a horrible accident he is miraculously changed over night. Now a vicious alien is after him but what is the reason behind this creatures hatred towards the boy with the extra chromosome? G.A. Minton's debut novel shows that he has a talent for writing and it is a shame that he has a tendency to use overly long descriptions of certain situations which really distract you from wanting to continue reading on. What can easily be said in a sentence ends up becoming a paragraph or in some cases a whole pageBe prepared whilst reading this book that you will come across words that many wouldn't use on a daily basis and that dictionary you have tucked away may come in use once again. The second half of the book shows definite improvement but for some this may be a little too late. He proves that he has a love for horror and science fiction throughout with several nods to some of the genres best works. It would be interesting to see this book turned into a film though I suspect alot of it will be changed about so it doesn't become a drawn out filler filled film. G.A. Minton is currently hard at work on his second book, here's hoping its an easier read then TRISOMY XXI and the descriptive pitfalls that were in this book will be eradicated for the next novel.

Review by Peter 'Witchfinder' Hopkins


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